The Infant Development Program serves children from birth to three years old who are at risk for, or who already have a delay in development. Because the Infant Development Program is family-focused, it is entirely up to you, the parent, to decide what kinds of supports and services you would like to receive. Then, if you wish, our Consultant will help you to access these services.
- Forms
- IDP Referral Form
Our Consultant works closely with other professionals, including: Supported Child Development, Public Health Nurses, the N.I. Outreach Team (includes our local Speech & Language Pathologist, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, & other North Island Early Child Development Workers), Daycares and Preschools, Doctors, Medical Specialists & Social Workers.
We work in close partnership with the North Island Aboriginal Infant Development Program and the Supported Child Development Program to facilitate every family’s connections to community resources. These programs operate within a family-centered, strengths-based philosophy. Together, we honour North Island families and work collaboratively to support and respect them.
You are also welcome to call us (250) 949-8323 if you would like information about early child development, parenting young children, or even to inquire about other community resources. You do not need to be in the program to receive this type of support and encouragement.